Exciting Updates: 

We are excited to share Achieve Atlanta’s 2024 Impact Report! Our collective achievements thus far are worth celebrating, and they inspire us to progress forward toward our vision of Atlanta being a city where race and income no longer predict postsecondary success and upward mobility.

View the Impact Report

We are proud to announce the release of Stability & Security: How Achieve Atlanta Improves Scholars’ Financial Well-Being and Academic Performance, a second independent analysis of Achieve Atlanta’s Scholarship and services. A new report by Georgia State University’s Georgia Policy Labs examines important student outcomes that impact student persistence and completion.

Read the Analysis


Believe. Expect. Achieve.

Atlanta’s students have dreams: for their futures, their families, and their careers. We’re here to support those students. See how we’re doing this.

College Access

Achieve Atlanta and our College Access partners deliver hands-on help to APS students as they chart their paths to college. We have a formal relationship with Atlanta Public Schools and provide strategic, operational, and financial support to offer a district-wide college advising program that serves all APS juniors and seniors.

More About College Access

College Success

As a part of fulfilling our mission, Achieve Atlanta partners with postsecondary institutions and college success experts to offer direct support, coaching and advising, and broker additional services to students.

More About College Success

For Students

For Students

The case for college is clear. People who complete higher education are more satisfied with their careers, wealthier, and better prepared to achieve their dreams.

A Path to College

For Families

For Families

Parents and caregivers are one of the most important ingredients in a student’s success. We provide resources to help you propel your student toward their dreams.

View Resources

Our Community

Our Community

Because students can face a number of barriers completing postsecondary education, we are mobilizing a community of organizations to support students in a holistic way.

Join Us

"I am truly grateful to Achieve Atlanta for their generosity throughout my collegiate journey.

I graduated with my undergraduate degree debt free."

"I am truly grateful to Achieve Atlanta for their generosity throughout my collegiate journey. I graduated with my undergraduate degree debt free."

Kiara, Columbus State University, Class of 2024

Achieve Atlanta


The Achieve Atlanta Scholarship is a need-based award designed to support APS students pursuing various postsecondary paths after high school. The Achieve Atlanta Scholarship is an important part of Achieve Atlanta’s broader effort to dramatically increase the number of APS students who earn a postsecondary degree or credential.

Learn more About the Scholarship

Achieve Atlanta Alumni
Alabama State University

“This scholarship didn’t just fund my education; it fueled my dreams.”

Georgia Institute of Technology

“I would say one of the greatest benefits of being an Achieve Atlanta Scholar and Ambassador was being able to connect with and mentor fellow APS grads as we navigated attending Georgia Tech. It was a very different environment than what we were used to, so it was nice to have someone you could relate with nearby.”

University of Georgia

“I genuinely admire the unwavering support Achieve Atlanta’s staff provided; not just during challenging times but consistently throughout the year. Their ongoing communication and engaging activities throughout my college years have been instrumental in keeping me motivated and inspired.”

Clayton State University

“Achieve Atlanta has been incredibly supportive throughout my journey, both financially and with additional guidance. A huge shoutout to Dr. Charles and Dr. Sheila Barker (Edu-Tech)—they’ve been there for me since my freshman year, offering consistent support and encouragement. Achieve Atlanta has truly played a vital role in helping me reach this point in my educational career.”

Key Dates

For Scholarship Eligibility


FAFSA Application Opens

Feb 3rd

Scholarship Application Opens

May 31st

Scholarship Application Closes

June 15th

Final Scholarship Awards Announced