We have created and gathered the resources below to support you on your path to graduation. Use these tools to set yourself up for success and overcome the challenges that college students commonly face.

Making the Transition
  • 1st-year Scholars: You’ll quickly discover that there are many differences between high school and college, such as grading, academics, and expectations. We want you to be successful in your transition, so we’ve created this resource for you.
  • Figuring out the right career can be challenging. You can use the resources below for your career exploration:
  • Whether you are transitioning into college, graduate/professional school, or a career, an informational interview is a great way to learn more about the type of job you may be considering. Click here to learn about the value of informational interviews as well as some guidelines for conducting them.
  • One of the best ways to improve your job search strategy and outcomes is to ask for feedback. Click here to learn how to understand what you can do differently to increase your chances of getting the job you want.
Starting Strong
  • If you are a 1st / 2nd-year Scholar who wants to meet with your advisor on campus to discuss any concerns or questions, click here to see how you can do it.
  • Time management is highly critical to a successful start in college. Click here to learn some tips on effectively managing your time and deadlines.
  • When you write an email to a faculty member, it’s important to use appropriate language and be clear in your communication. Here is a template you can use for an introduction email to a faculty member.
College Success Checklists 

We want you to be organized and prepared as you work toward completing your degree. Scholars, we have created checklists that you can check off each item as you complete it, so you stay on track to graduate and set yourself up to launch a successful career after graduation. 

  • Here is a checklist you can follow if you are working to earn your Associate Degree.
  • Here is a checklist you can follow if you are working to earn your Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Here is a checklist you can follow if you are working to earn your Technical Degree.
Rockin’ Steady
  • When you email a faculty member asking for help, it’s important to use appropriate language and be clear in your communication. Here is a template you can use to write an introductory email to your professors.
  • If you are a 3rd / 4th-year Scholar who wants to meet with your advisor to discuss any concerns or questions, click here to see how you can do it.
  • Resilience is a skill that you will always find beneficial. In this Resilience eBook, you will find tips for becoming more resilient and using those skills for college success.
  • We’ve created this Campus Support Team Contact Tree that you can fill in with the contact information for the people on your campus who can support you during your college journey.
  • As we continue to navigate through basic needs, please use these resources to help with any issues related to food, housing, mental health, or public health.