Housing Resources
If you and your family are facing difficult decisions, a few community organizations would like to help. Your family’s health is your first priority during this time; making sure they have plenty of housing options is a huge part of that. As soon as you think you might need some help, we would like to encourage you to reach out to us. With the help of our community partners, we are here for you in several ways:
- Georgia’s Housing Authorities provide information on public housing and low-income/Section 8 programs. Search your area to see if there are any housing authorities near you.
- If you are between ages 17-24, CHRIS180 is an organization that provides counseling, family preservation programs, group homes, etc. to youth with mental health diagnoses.
- You can utilize the Community Action for Improvement (CAFI) for food vouchers, housing search assistance, rental, mortgage, and utility assistance.
- Douglas County Shelter Home, Inc. (DCS), Family Promise of New Rock, Gwinnett Children’s Shelter, Inc., Phoenix Pass, Inc., and Sheltering Grace Ministry provide transitional housing for the homeless, single females and their children, and other individuals in need. Visit their websites to view the requirements for each agency.
- Kings in Unity Inc has an array of services for families and individuals in need — including housing, job search, and home repairs.
- Organizations like Nicholas House, Project Community Connections Inc., and United Way of Greater Atlanta connect people to permanent housing opportunities, other community resources, and assist in the transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency in a structured but home-like environment.
- Restoration House and The Sheperd’s Inn are women’s and men’s shelters that provide services like addiction recovery, job attainment, and counseling.