Dreams Favor the Bold

an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.
Expectation: /ˌekspekˈtāSH(ə)n/
a belief that someone will or should achieve something.
Achieve Atlanta’s Bold Expectation: Atlanta is a city where race and income no longer predict postsecondary success or upward mobility.
It’s back-to-school season, and across Atlanta, students are getting ready for their first day of school. Some will be advancing a grade toward high school graduation, while others will be stepping onto a college campus in pursuit of a degree.
During this season, at Achieve Atlanta we spend a lot of time anchoring ourselves in our vision. Our North Star. Our view of the future we want to see. Or as we like to say at Achieve Atlanta, our Bold Expectation.
We talk a lot about the importance of having Bold Expectations because this phrase captures the essence of what we want for ourselves and our students. A belief in possibilities is our collective power source and we know that we can only accomplish what we can envision. This is true for the young people we serve as well.
Therefore, we work to empower our Scholars to see the enormous possibilities for their lives and to set their own Bold Expectations for their futures. Over the summer, some of our Scholars offered up their own Bold Expectations:
- To become a dentist
- To feel at home and be welcomed
- To be a sports medicine physician
- To graduate college with honors
Our Scholars inspire us every day, and we want to create a feedback loop that fuels their dreams. Therefore, to kick off the year, we’ve launched a #BoldExpectations campaign and are asking members of the Atlanta community to share the role that Bold Expectations have played in shaping their own lives. During the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing their thoughts with you. Please join us in setting and sharing your own Bold Expectations. Imagine what we’ll achieve when we weave our dreams together!